Force Activities to Open as New Tasks with Xposed Module

The ability to launch one application from within another is certainly not a new feature. It is, however, incredibly useful and something so matter of fact that many of us probably rarely acknowledge it. While this might be a very useful feature, it isn’t exactly perfect and still has a little room for improvement. You may have previously noticed that after launching one application from within another, it more often than not doesn’t appear independently in the task manager, which obviously makes multitasking a little more awkward than it needs to be.
ActivityForceNewTask is an Xposed module from XDA Forum Moderator GermainZ that does exactly as the name suggests and forces activities launched within applications to create a new task, allowing for much easier switching between the two. Obviously, this has the potential to cause issues with certain applications. However,reports of breakage so far are minimal. Should you encounter any unwanted results from using this module, there are both whitelist and blacklist options available to set exactly which apps this will affect.
As mentioned, this is an Xposed Module so you will need the Xposed Framework to get started. It is also completely free and open source, which is nice. You can find more info and the download link in the original thread.